Money Bowl Spell
Magical Beings,
I made this money bowl spell Monday after getting a strong urge that I needed a little help from the ethers to draw towards me a little more abundance. And with that Full Moon in Capricorn, asking us to mature a little bit!! Well, what a good time to get our money story right, while making room to accept and appreciate more.
Know that you can do this bowl for anything that feels abundant to you, your community, love, or maybe more plant babies… this is a guideline, please use your intuition and substitute where needed.
You’ll Need:
Rice- I used Jasmine, cause it seemed fancy. You can use whatever you have on hand. (draws in money)
Salt- Protection
If that’s all you have, that's all you will need. All these other ingredients are added goodies. Work with what you have and what feels good.
Crystals- Pyrite (sacral chakra, creativity), Rose quartz (open your heart to love), Citrine (solar plexus, joy & abundance), Bloodstone (root chakra, unweave past stories of money)
Herbs- Cinnamon, Clover (heat, abundance, money, Luck), Bay Leaves (to write wishes, intentions or affirmations), catnip (to open your third eye to seeing opportunities), Mug wart (abundance, purification)
Coins (abundance)
Keys (open roads, doors)
Oils- Peppermint, Road Openers, Money drawing oil, goddess
Incense- Your choice
Green or White candle
A bowl
To begin clear all your items with your incense. Use a counterclockwise motion to clear them!! This motion removes energy.
Next, take some time to journal about your what you are calling in. What you see as blockages and what you would like this money bowl to do.
From this write your intention down, you’ll put this underneath or at the bottom of your money bowl.
Now add the rice, salt, herbs to your bowl. Stir in a clockwise motion repeating your intentions 9x. You can do more if you’d. Stir until you feel you are complete.
Then add you candle and sprinkle or place your crystals, bay leaves, and coins over the candle so they land in the bowl.
Admire your work… this is key.
Then with your intention in mind one last time, light that baby up!
Again sit back and admire your work. As you do it this time, begin to daydream about all this way this money or abundance is going to support you and how it will make you feel.
Repeat lighting the candle, admiring and journaling thoughts for 7 days.
After you may cleanse the items and use them again, or ground the spell in another way that feels fit.
Let me know how it goes.