Surviving Leo SZN
Magical Beings,
This year has been full of astrological events that stack, and the welcoming of Leo season holds the same energy with the Capricorn full moon taking its spot as Leo season drops in.
Now I know the title of this Blog is How to Survive Leo Season, but I would be doing you a disservice if I didn’t quickly speak about this powerful energy that was held in the Cap Full Moon. This moon was conjunct (beside) Pluto, which basically was asking us to “boss up” and step into the authority of our dreams. You may know that Leo is not one to shy away from being seen, so this Moon with its placement in Capricorn was amplifying this energy. I was speaking to someone the other day and they had expressed that it felt very New Moonish. I had to agree. This is again because of Pluto, “daring” us to take the big leaps in our dreams. Seeing what no longer matches the vibe of our big picture to drop being the bigger person and step into being the bigger person for yourself. So if this moon is setting the tone of the season, we can only imagine what’s to come for what always seems to be a revolutionary 30 days.
So with that intensity, you see why I named this blog “Surviving Leo season".’ If you think Cancer Season was intense… get ready, cause those shadows are ready to live OUT FUCKING LOUD!!!
So you may be thinking… “Well great! 2024 has already rocked my world and I was hoping things would settle a little for the last half of it” And Magical Beings I’m right there with you, so let me give you some pointers on how to keep this energy grounded, as we move through the second fire season of the astrological year.
2024 is an 8-year, in Tarot this is the Strength card, which also… surprise surprise happens to correspond with LEO!!! This card is all about allowing those inner demons that hold us in place, out so that we may ‘tame” name. And the first half of the year has done just that, brought all our insecurities, and our stagnation to the surface so we could name them, and now in the last half of the year we have the opportunity to tame them.
And when I say tame what I mean is, to invite them into your experience, instead of rejecting them and trying to separate them from your being. A time to stop the cleansing of self, and come into radical acceptance of all the moving parts. So when you find yourself in a space of wanting to reject something about yourself, to stuff it down and try and make it smaller. Sit with it. Sit with it and ask, what do you need from me right now? It’s amazing the strength that can come when we simply allow, acknowledge, and accept what “is”.
I have noticed that very quickly the “problems” I was facing became less scary and the solutions I may have been searching for became clear or came to the understanding no solution was needed, I just needed to feel (thank you Cancer Season).
The strength card, much like Leo season is very heart-centered. It requires us to be brave and have courage. Courage to stand up and show the world who we are and what we offer, from that space that is the center of our being. To crack open and allow the authentic self to shine brightly.
For this reason and because July 22nd is Mary Magdalene Saint's day, she is our Goddess for the month. Mary was never afraid to live her life heart open. Loving Jesus for who he was, because she knew who she was. And if I may be the cheeky Witch I am, I honestly believe she used Jesus as her mouthpiece. She was his sugar daddy, and he spread her gospel. She was not a follower, but a silent leader who understood the men of her time and knew what she needed to do in order to create change in the world, and because Jesus was a devotee, literally worshiping every inch of her, he allowed her to use him, as she needed. Mary is the keeper of the rose, of the Feminine, of the leadership of the feminine processes in this world. She shines like no other in my eyes, and often times when I need courage, I pray or offer my intentions to her. Asking her to crack my heart open so that I may bloom to its magic.
You may ask why I didn’t make Rose the plant medicine of the month, and simply put, it’s because it’s not its time. Leo is masculine and naturally, it requires a flower that matches its strength and power. It’s not that Rose doesn’t do this, but The Sun Flower is a much better representation of the way Leo reaches extraordinary lengths to shine. So if need some help rising to your own inner divine wisdom, sit with some sunflowers. Allow them to show you how a strong foundation, can hold a heavy head. AKA let your ego run a little wild in this season.
And finally, if you need a wee bit of grounding, find a Carnelian stone to carry with you. Carnelian, although works best with the sacral chakra, can help calm the passion the heart sometimes holds, in order to awaken you to the creative pursuits Leo season is asking you to take on. And yes, creating change in your life and shining bright is 100% a creative pursuit.
July 22nd I am hosting a Live Meditation Reiki Cleanse to help you step into your authority and clear any energies that may be wanting to keep you in place. It’s pay what you can, and a replay will be available for those who can’t attend. This is a timeless workshop that will help you unlock your lion’s heart and ground into any chapter of your life. It’s Pay What You Can. Click the link below to sign up.
Magical Beings, I hope Leo season awaken the most powerful aspects of your being, and allows you to see how worthy you are of letting them shine.
Be well.